We open early 6 days a week (check About Us for our business hours) for any customer to satisfy their needs and so they can get their job done. S. St. George Enterprises will remain your supplier until the project is complete, and until you are satisfied. And hopefully future projects.
You can either pick up the product that you require or we can deliver! If you would like us to deliver please call: 716-672-2488 to schedule a delivery or if you have any additional questions.
All of Our Products
#2 Non Washed Limestone, #2 Washed Limestone, #1 Washed Limestone, #1 Peastone (2 Variants), #2 Stone, 3s & 4s, Over sized Stone.
Screened Gravel, Crushed Gravel, Bank Run, Crushed Concrete, Screened Crushed Concrete, Millings, Processed Millings, Raw, and Screened Topsoil
Homeowner Products:
Black, Brown, Red, Natural Mulch. Also Snow White Marble Stone, Tipple Red Stone, Multi-Colored Stone, and Black Colored Stone.